Robert F. Kennedy Campaign Coordinator for the State of Utah
After Robert Newcomb suspended his campaign in March of 2023, he volunteered his time with the Kennedy Campaign and was asked to participate as a State Coordinator for the State of Utah. Robert worked with State and Regional leaders in the Kennedy Campaign and volunteered many hours proselyting, teaming, and coordinating efforts for the state of Utah.
As an Independent and coming from the Republican side, Robert was grateful and excited when Robert Kennedy endorsed President Trump for President. In a personal experience, Robert knows firsthand the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry. While contracting a MRSA type infection from a surgery several years ago, Robert struggled with getting better. Robert experienced some of the worse symptoms of this infection. After going through several rounds of the most powerful anti-biotics on the market, Robert went to the VA's Infectious Disease clinic where he was told some of the best doctors practiced. The doctors told him that Robert had an underline auto-immune condition that was preventing him from overcoming the infection.
After much research Robert decided to find natural remedies where he discovered a recipe of supplements to include a regime of wasabi, horse radish, olive leaf extract at specific times per day. This made a significant difference in Robert's symptoms to include knocking out the infection up to 75% in about 3 days. While this significant to Robert, his biggest lesson and testimony is that there is something very wrong with modern day medicine when experts don't even consider supplements or natural remedies.
Robert has personal experience of the failure of modern medicine that is driven by corporate corruption and money. If you consider how a tree is treated - when a tree has a disease, we take a soil sample and find what nutrients the tree is lacking. Then, provide those nutrients in order for the tree to cure itself. There are clear paths to fix the pharmaceutical industry through incentivizing a proper business model.
RFK's approach to healing and corporate corruption is worth considering if we want a better country for our Children.