Curriculum vitae (CV)


Senior Special System Engineer

DoD Contractor (11/2023 - Present)

Supervisor: Chris Melville

Duties: Work, lead, and mentor team of engineers in system engineering duties.

Senior System Engineer (Hx5) (6/2023 – 11/2023)

Hill AFB, Utah

Supervisor: Mike Edwards

Aerospace Dominance Division, Control & Reporting

Advise and assist organization in frequency management, testing (verification/validation), and fielding of weapon systems, communication systems, radars, simulators. Interface and coordinated engineering activities including software testing/implementation, and cyber testing/operations. Understanding the operational landscape, threats, sustainment, and acquisition of the product’s lifespan.

Aerospace Engineer (This is a federal job) (2/2020-6/2023)

Hill Air Force Base, Utah

Supervisor: Greg Rickerd


MMIII Mission Thread Lead. Leads team of engineers in progressing MMIII test programs through testing. Have a thorough understanding of LDTO test process and procedures. Have an in-depth understanding of MMIII weapon systems and operations. Coordinate with contractor and other associated DoD organizations to facilitate testing and fielding of sustainment changes or components for the MMIII weapon system. An in-depth understanding of testing phases and requirements associated with cyber, environmental, propulsion, guidance, communications. Troubleshoot, and/or diagnose deficiencies as it pertains to engineering failures or other issues related to testing. Train and mentor junior engineers who are new to testing within the LDTO. Evaluate risk and communicate said risks to upper command structure. Coordinates with SCI community to evaluate risks and their impact on future fielded systems.

C&L Lead Engineer – Command & Launch Lead Engineer. Help lead group of engineers in implementing requirements for the new Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (Sentinel) nuclear weapon system. Main tasking involves working with contractors to ensure that all requirements are implemented correctly, efficiently, and according to contracting agreements. Extensive understanding and knowledge of briefing, developing and authoring risks. Participates in formal reviews, including Justification for and the affordability/feasibility of the preferred military solution, identification of the technologies that must be matured during the TMRR phases, scope of the capability requirements trade space and an understanding of the priorities within that trade space, technical feasibility, planning, and schedule/technical risks. As a test engineer overseeing contract testing, I travel to testing location and participate in government test observations, which include test observation reporting and consultation with contractor. Much of my time currently is spent in Test Plan Working Groups (TPWGs) or TPTs (Test Planning Teams) helping to refine requirements, drive risk out early, define/refine test plans, negotiate testing processes and requirements, and oversee risk development. I currently serve as the Command & Launch (C&L) weapons system lead engineer overseeing approximately 8 engineers in the day to-day tasking, which also facilitates the opportunity to mentor engineers who do not have the experience or knowledge to analyze or oversee contractors who are developing the relevant technologies. I lead and manage the C&L’s Risks in all Risk Management Boards (RMB) conducted in the CTF.

Facility Engineer (This is a federal job) (6/2019-2/2020)

Tooele Army Depot, Tooele Utah

Supervisor: Rich Stephens

Duties: Mange infrastructure development, facility and land preservation, road enhancement projects. Assists with the development of procurement packages and acts as Contract Officer Representative (COR). Performing all aspects of progressing packages for Military Construction (MilCon) Projects.

Aerospace Engineer (This is a federal job) (03/2013-9/2019)

Pay Grade: NM-04 – Tier 1 Supervisor; Naval Air Warfare Center - Weapons Division China Lake, CA, U.S.

Duties: Project Manager/System Engineer/ Branch Head/ Supervisor

Primary: Branch Head/Supervisor of the Spectrum Exploitation, Sensors, and Signals Collection Branch

• Survivability, vulnerabilities, and threat analysis of adversarial weapon systems, operations, and tactics.

• Decoys, unconventional/asymmetric weapons and their applications, using cellular communications to influence kinetic/non-kinetic weapon systems, cellular Intelligence Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) methods. Cellular exploitation, and affects

• Using the following: Spectrum Intelligence (SPECINT), Communication Intelligence (COMINT), Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronics Intelligence (ELINT) to influence weapon systems and operations in tactical operations

• Cyber vulnerabilities of Navy weapon systems and aviation platforms

• Adversarial techniques to defeat weapon systems and aviation platforms

• System engineering on FA-18, E6-B Mercury, F-35 SF, ScanEagle (UAV), RQ-21 Blackjack (UAV), and a variety of Group 1 UAVs incorporated into special operating forces (SOF) operations

• Payload systems incorporated into aviation, space-based platforms, and UAVs

• Government funding sources, writing/authoring technical proposals, multiple successful awarded projects obtained from defending proposals from technologies that were my own conception

• Counter-Unmanned Aerial System methods, policy, resources, and applicability. Networked among DoD research labs, academia, and industry to further technologies associated with passive and active flight defeat, UAV weaponization, and UAV fuzing. Participated in advisory boards

related to C-UAS Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs). Worked with Naval Special Warfare (NSW) futures directorate to implement future capabilities of UAV payloads, using UAVs as decoys, UAV electronic warfare, implementing and creating TTPs for weaponization, fuzing, and arming of Group 1 UAVs.

• Using an array of UAV payload systems for RQ-21 Blackjack, ScanEagle, and a variety of Group 1 UAVs. Participated in ground level implementation of NSW’s drone program, which influenced how Group 1 UAVs would be integrated into current strategic and tactical operations.

• Served as a Tier 1 supervisor for the DoD’s premier C-UAS Red Team

• Understanding of RF beamforming, passive/active antenna design, RF engineering, broad jamming, spread jamming, spoofing, utilizing RF decoys, applying spectrum affects to gain operational advantages and exploit tactical scenarios.

• DoD Capability Gaps/Joint Urgent Operational Needs (JUONs)/ Urgent Operational Needs (UONs) and the advanced technologies poised to adequately fulfil these needs

• Networking and collaborating within the DoD research labs, industry, and academia, including the collaboration of writing/authoring proposals, scientific studies, and scientific reviews.

• Developing, testing, and fielding an array of weapon systems and delivering to the end user

• Working intimately with customers and stakeholders on projects, which include networking and the solicitation of Branch capabilities to garner more customers

• Overseeing all aspects of technology development, which includes but is not limited to: detailed design, implementation, conducting RDT&E testing, system of system integration and/or interoperability, test planning, test reporting, influencing doctrine/SOPs or policy of cutting edge technologies related to weaponization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), directed energy weapons, electronic warfare, cyber warfare, kinetic weapons, non-kinetic weapons, and other asymmetric technologies

• Researching strategic and tactical adversarial capabilities – primarily China

• Managing multiple ACAT3 programs including SAP

• Scheduling, planning, and briefing high ranking military and civilians

• Development of technologies to progress through TRLs

• Planning, tracking, designing, and executing tasking related to funding and technology progression • Integral in standing up Naval Special Warfare’s UAV program in 2019 (SEAL Team 10).

• Providing end-to-end, integrated perspective of the technical activities and processes across the system life cycle, including how the system fits into a larger system of systems (SoS) construct.

• Developing technical requirements, verification, and validation (V&V), technical risks, and system integration for many technologies related to military aircraft and weapon systems

• Flight clearance, range testing of airborne assets, and airspace management

• Custom battery certification and system integration

Primary Duties Summarized – as Tier 1 Supervisor:

Mentoring and supervising 27 engineers/scientists and technicians to include, yearly appraisal reviews, individual development plan (IDPs), counselling, tasking, project funding reviews, and disciplinary actions. Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) would include an intimate understanding of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) payload integration and capabilities, missile and aviation platforms, Special Operating Force doctrine and tactics, unconventional/asymmetric weapon systems, system integration of critical technologies into an array of different military UAVs, aircraft, ISR systems, and tactical weapon systems. With the ability to author and defending proposals comes many hours of research on our larger adversarial peer to peer military capabilities. Integrating autonomous intelligence across multiple unmanned platforms. Advising on operational feasibility and concept of operations for multiple agencies that seek to implement AUV/UAVs.

Additional Duties Summarized – as Tier 1 Supervisor:

I have developed contacts within the DoD related to funding streams that include sources directly from the Pentagon. Because of my success in writing proposals, I have been fortunate to work with many organizations including, DARPA, AFRL, NRL, ARL, ONR, academia, and industry. I pride myself on having considerable success networking with DoD research labs, industry, and academia; I recognize great value in networking, and I maintain a list of individuals I have collaborated with and conducted joint research or development with. I possess the ability to network among similar technologists, experience working with UAV communications, includes connectivity methodology, link budgeting, bandwidth calculations, and satellite usability/connectivity/feasibility. I have experience and an in-depth understanding of the following:

• Satellite payload systems and their capabilities

• System engineering of drones and the integration of unique payload systems

• (ISR) capabilities and technologies

• Peer-to-peer red/blue teaming and adversarial capabilities

• Drone capabilities and integration of drones into common TTPs

• Drone capability in asymmetric or tactical warfare applications

• Leveraging drone capability to provide unique mission centric functions

• Fast Inland Attack Craft (FIAC) or Fast Attack Craft (FAC) problem in relation to the Strait of Hormuz and Iran’s FAC/FIAC threat

• I was a part of several working groups that influenced the future development of weaponized drones, safety of fuzing, payload integration and TTPs associated with newly implemented UAV technologies and the defense of military installations from small UAVs

• I possessed an intimate knowledge of current technologies that relate to survivability and defeat of known threats and capability gaps that exist within the DoD.

• I routinely researched advanced technologies and how the advancement of said technologies can benefit the military in their effort to accomplish unique mission requirements

I have written dozens of test plans, test reports, generated technical requirements, developed ICDs, conducted all relevant test reviews associated with acquisition Milestones, conducted tests as it relates to environmental testing, UAV payload testing, component benchtop testing, traditional or conventional flight testing, warhead arena testing, static weapon system propellant testing, and extensive knowledge in the DoD’s acquisition process in ACAT3 programs. I have extensive experience in writing test reports and analyzing data to recommend direction of investments or influencing and implementing cutting edge technologies into current military strategic and tactical operations.

Subsidiary Duties:

• Approximately 10% of my time is associated with researching Joint Urgent Operational Needs (JUONs), Urgent Operational Needs (UONs), Integrated Priority Lists (IPLs), Needs, and Gaps as they are associated with the Navy and special operation forces, missile systems, and aviation platforms. As a result of this research, many proposal, collaborations, and joint ventures were developed. Much of my most successful efforts were related to progressing the technology as it relates to Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems, Group 1 UAV payloads, and integrating handheld smart devices into asymmetric/unconventional weapon systems. I have extensive understanding/knowledge of the following systems:

- Aegis Combat System, BGM-109 Tomahawk

- Trident, AIM-9 Sidewinder

- JDAM (GPS and laser guided)

- Current Special Forces asymmetric weapon systems

- I have influenced the development and have been a part of critical computer vision technologies for navigation, ISR, and other SF combat operations.

Previous Duties (2012 -2015): Project Manager for the Irregular Warfare Technology Office (IWTO)

• Skywalker Project Manager – Assisted in managing project, which including filing of certification, flight clearances, wrote test plans, and reports, kept scheduled, and assisted in technical research of mechanical/electrical research of components.

• BLOS-SE Project Manager – Assisted with management of project, most effort was related to technical input of terminal certification for UAV over MUOS satellite system. Kept updated schedule and advised on technical path forward

• Black Lagoon – managed this project to demonstration/testing event held at S2ME2

• Testing, R&D of countermeasures associated with Naval aircraft and UAVs systems

• Involved with Cyber Thrust as a Knowledge Manager, which provides necessary documentation and research necessary for cyber team to conduct their vulnerability risk assessments. In FY17 I also participated in writing four 219 proposals in collaboration with Digital Precision Strike Suite (DPSS), IWTO, and Miniature Munitions Lab. These proposals were submitted to advance the capability and technical competence of NAVAIR.

• I was also involved with multiple outside organizations to further collaboration and advancement of critical technologies related to irregular and asymmetric warfare at the tactical level (DARPA, ONR, OSD, NSW, SOCOM, Air Force, and Marine Corps Warfighting Lab)

• I participated in VH3, which was a directed energy/energy weapon payload testing exercise that explored the survivability of offensive and defensive technologies used with drone payload systems for strategic and tactical applications

Project Lead at S2ME2 ANTX (2017), which included working as the assistant coordinator of the event for China Lake Naval Air Weapon Station – Weapons Division (NAWC-WD), involved the implementation, planning, and scheduling of this event at Camp Pendleton. This required me to review the application of participants and their technology for feasibility or applicability. I also authored an extensive 50 plus page proposal for the event and heavily assisted with the demonstration report that analyzed each technology and the practicality of implementing their technology into current strategic and tactical operations.

• Digital Precision Strike Suite (DPSS) – Project engineer. Worked implementing code into tablets and smart phones for weapon systems and drones. Primary role was to implement smart weapon systems into android-based platforms for Marine Corps. From proposal to fielding multiple weapon systems were walked through the Acquisition process.

Ordnance Test & Evaluation, Environmental Engineering (2013 – 2015)

Primary: Environmental engineering, vibration, shock, temperature conditioning for DoD ordnance related programs, static propellant testing

• Project manager, writing test plans and test procedures, coordinating with customers, scheduling and implementing and managing projects

• Test engineer related to static firings of missile systems to test and validate solid and liquid propellants

Subsidiary or Occasional Tasking: Involved with Distributed Target Engagement, S&T Strategic Thrust – submitted several proposals related to Thrusts. Submitted other proposal related to validation activity for problematic hysteretic heating scenarios of captive carry munitions associated with the F-35. Submitted several joint proposals with DPSS, ONR, ARDEC and other organizations on emergent technology integration.

• Conducts research in C-UAS and C-UAS (Swarms) of Group 1 UAVs, Gap mapping

• DoD collaboration activity and research activity in weaponization of Group 1 unmanned systems – threat identification, targeting, mapping, UAV sensor integration efforts

• Collaborate with Irregular Weapons Technology Office (IWTO), Digital Precision Strike Suite (DPSS), ARDEC, ONR and other agencies/organizations to develop and progress technology related to acoustic sensors and their applications in tactical scenarios

• Conducted several dozen warhead arena testing

• Conducted research, development, and design on programs associated with Navy weapon system fuzing, arming, and guidance

• Participated in the research and development of UAV technologies

Naval Air Warfare Center – Weapons Division (NAWC-WD) Touring

Graduated from the NAVAIR Engineering Science Development Program (ESDP). The program was a 5-year endeavor that included 4 “Tours” in specialized areas of interest. Under rare circumstances, I was permitted to graduate the program due to having completed the 5 years of requirements in 3 years, 10 months and having shown my ability to perform at a level commiserate of a seasoned engineer.

• First tour: SPIKE missile system planning and development

• Second tour: Developing a test plan and performing testing related to a developmental reactive wrap for the Sidewinder developmental warhead effort. Test plan writing and modeling for warhead development on Sidewinder. Included arena testing and water submerged warhead scoring analysis.

• Third tour: AOA (Analysis of Alternatives), development of solid propellant rocket motors for SNORT (Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research Track). Extensive analysis and research in linear acceleration methods to replace SNORT sled techniques.

Engineer (This is a federal job) (05/2011 – 03/2012)

HQ, U.S. Army Sustainment Command (ASC) G4 Rock Island Arsenal, IL US


• Worked in team environment assimilating facility engineering reports

• Traveled to installations to develop engineering facility assessments for structures and real property

• Used extensive knowledge of Excel/Word/Access to support G4 engineering staff in completing engineering analysis of domestic and foreign Army material assets and Afghanistan draw-down efforts for 2014 effort.

• Researched and wrote a report advising the 1-star general of the implications of pulling out of Afghanistan and how it related to Left Behind Equipment (LBE) in 2010 for the 2012 Iraq "Draw-Down". This report concluded that it was more feasible and cost effective to leave much of the equipment in theater instead of shipping back.

Engineering Assistant, Project Lead (06/2007 – 05/2008)

Pay: $15/hr.; Hours per week: 20

Creative Home Engineering, Tempe, AZ


• Supervised a team, under the direction of a mechanical engineer, designing and fabricating secret passageways for custom homes

• Read and understood detailed CAD drawings and implemented design standards

• Performed basic engineering duties, used SOLIDWORKS and BOBCAD 3D

• Provided cost estimates of initial mechanical system, implemented networking and managerial skills to complete tasks within time restrictions

Engineering Assistant, Project Team Member (05/2005 - 09/2005)

Pay: $10/hr.; Hours per week: 20

Berkey Engineering and Construction, Richland, WA


• Learned basic engineering operations and skills, including development and finish work • Implemented engineering designs


Driller (05/2006 - 05/2007)

Pay: $32/hr.; Hours per week: 40

Ensign United States Drilling, Denver, CO Duties:

• Assisted in all drilling operations including depth calculations, rigging, supervising a crew of

5, maintaining drilling fluid by calculating flow rates, quality of mud, viscosity

• Operated, repaired, and maintained all equipment associated with drilling process. Provided training in mechanical processes, general operations, and handling of tools associated with drilling environment

• Inspected and tested all equipment prior to drilling including pumps, hydraulics, engines, computers, and bolted connections. Contributed, coordinated and reviewed standard drilling practices and procedures. Operated/maintained all heavy equipment (skid loader, front end loader, dozer, backhoe, track hoe etc.)

Chain Hand (02/1997 - 02/1998)

Pay: $15/hr.; Hours per week: 40 Gary Drilling, Bakersfield, CA


• Racked pipe, performed general construction duties and versed in rig operations

• Operated, repaired, and maintained all equipment associated with drilling process. Provided training in mechanical processes, general operations, and handling of tools associated with drilling environment

• Inspected and tested all equipment prior to drilling including pumps, hydraulics, engines, computers, and bolted connections. Coordinated and reviewed standard drilling procedures

Heavy Equipment Operator/ General Construction (2/20012 - 6/2012)

Pay: $17/hr.; Hours per week: 40 Triple B Construction, Wilton, IA


• General construction activity with a wide variety of different equipment operations


United States Navy (E5, AM2) (10/1999 – 08/2003) VQ3, TACAMO (Take Charge and Move Out)

Oklahoma City, OK

TACAMO Mission: Provides a joint strategic communications system between the President and the following national command authorities: Strategic Command Airborne Command Post "Looking Glass" (ABNCP), the Airborne Launch Control System (ALCS), the Non-Strategic Nuclear Forces (NSNF) Theater Commanders ABNCP and the TACAMO EAM Relay missions with a survivable, reliable, and endurable airborne communications link.


• Plane Captain (Directed and supervised all maintenance operations on ground)

• CDI (Collateral Duty Inspector), Signed off and inspected areas of maintenance

• QA (Quality Assurance Officer), Assured safety and code compliance with all aircraft maintenance activities

• Tested, troubleshoot, removed, repaired and modified aircraft systems and components

• Removed and replaced components making necessary tests, adjustments, calibrations and inspections as necessary during the reinstallation process

• Made final test(s) and calibration of fuel system and components insuring operation is in accordance with technical data and safety procedures

• Troubleshoot integral fuel tanks, using leak path analysis and other test procedures such as pressure checks, vacuum checks, dye injection checks, helium and argon gas checks to determine the source of fuel leaks

• Serviced, maintained all hydraulic, flight controls, structural components, landing gear and related systems on 707 airframes

• Used Metal shaping equipment for structural components of aircraft. Maintained exterior portion of aircraft including but not limited to corrosion, painting, metal fabrication, window replacement and fiberglass repair

• Provided extensive training in aviation support equipment, complex hydraulic systems, flight control system, landing gear, and structural components


Bachelor of Science in Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (Dec 2012)

Major: Civil Engineering (Structures and Mechanics)

Associate of Applied Science, Utah Valley University, Orem, UT (Dec 2005)

Major: Applied Science (Aerospace Science)


• AWARDS – 2 performance civilian awards, 1 civilian service award

• DAWIA SPRDE – Systems Engineering Level 2

• DAWIA Program Manager Level 1

• DAWIA Ordnance Test & Evaluation Level 2

• Ordnance Handling & Transportation Certified

• Navy Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, Navy “E” Ribbon, M16 Expert Ribbon

• Air Technical Training Center, Aviation Common Core

• Air Technical Training Center, Aviation Organizational Maintenance

• Current TOP SECRET DoD security clearance


• AutoCAD, Mathematica, Access, Word, Excel, SOLIDWORKS, Pro E, PLC Programming, ROBOT Structural Analysis, SingleStar (Data Physics), ME Scope (Modal Analysis), Microsoft Project, Jira, SAP, TeamCenter, AI Models


• I volunteer my time to educate and promote the use of AI for research and engineers. I have lectured at multiple college campuses and provided insight on unique and important ways of implementing AI into academia, industry, and government

• I enjoy coaching wrestling and football for my two boys and have been known to coach softball for my three girls

• I am a qualified expert with the M4 and enjoy shooting or firing unique, asymmetric, or exotic weapon systems on remote desert ranges