Current Politics
Defend Utah is an organization founded by Robert Newcomb. We are an organization of people dedicated to supporting the U.S. Constitution by promoting political policies and legislation that support the citizens of the United States. We seek to promote and defend the citizens of government and not just corporate, special interests, or foreign countries. We want all influence of foreign countries that have ill intent towards citizens of the United States out of our politics and out of our state. We believe the Constitution of the United States was inspired by men who saw firsthand the overreach and persecution of governments and were motivated to establish a nation void of government tyranny. We believe that our federal and state government should legislate the prevention of harm to the constituents they represent and not solely represent their big donors or lobbyists.
There are currently severe political problems in the United States and in Utah involving the capture of our politicians by large corporations or lobbyists. Many of these large corporations manipulate politicians, institutions, and non-partisan/non-profit organizations by donating large amounts of money to them. Politicians are often uninformed or threatened by those who would affect their political career including their own political Party. These corporations, special interest groups, or lobbyists manipulate our political system by influencing legislation in their favor at the expense of American citizens. We believe in term limits for politicians in Congress (state/federal) this would effectively help remove them from Party coercion or control.
We believe there is a great need to have a grassroots effort to change our government that voices the majority of the people our government should be representing. This includes promoting the family unit and discouraging the perpetuation of harm to children through experimental medicine or dangerous additives within our food supply. We believe that legislation should be passed to penalize the peddling of algorithms by large corporations to our children. If we can ban the advertising of cigarettes to children, we can ban algorithms that have caused a mental health epidemic with our youth.
The time to change is now and the time to be better informed from sources that seek the welfare of the citizen is long past. We are dedicated to finding the correct source information of all the research we do and let the data speak for itself. When federal agencies like Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy (DOE) are driven by funding 80% of their grants the last 30 years to proving anthropogenic (human caused) climate change or global warming, then we see stove-pipe science and it is wrong. We have to return to common sense science that involves research driven grants instead of agenda driven federal grants.